Swerl - Featured Roaster in August 2024

Swerl - Featured Roaster in August 2024

As we reach the height of summer here in Europe, the sun might not always be with us but we are bringing the heat with some super tasty coffee from the team at Swerl, who are based in Sweden.

Sharing with you here a few insights from the team and how they are progressing on their coffee journey! 

Please tell us a little about the team and your passion for the industry.

As many coffee businesses Swerl started as a passion-project, founded in 2019 as a coffee-bar in a 1972’ Mercedes bus by myself, Beatriz Ferreira, and my partner Daniel Carlsson - with an eagerness to share meaningful moments around exceptional coffee. 

At the time we were working with some of the best and most inspiring roasters in the industry, such as Koppi and Morgon. Nonetheless, we desired to learn more and dive deeper and when we had the opportunity to purchase a second-hand roaster in 2020, we decided to pursue this path. 

It took us about a year to have all details in place from the location, branding, and to sourcing. Since then, Swerl has evolved into a full-time roastery where we strive to keep the same sense of quality and relationship focus as when we started. 

We are a small but dedicated team of three: Daniel, the head-roaster and responsible for quality control, Beatriz, overseeing partner relationships and sourcing and Gisela, a general all-star and jack of all trades.  


The small size of the team allows everyone to be involved and engaged in most details of the roastery. We find that growing organically has been the best approach for us as we try to keep it personal and focus on the small details around the Swerl experience. 

The past year has been very enriching when it comes to the relationships with some of our partner producers and sourcing companions, as now that the third season is approaching we have been able to establish closer relationships with many of them. 

Our goal is to purchase from the same constellation of producers year after year, and one of our biggest driving forces is how we can be greater partners and represent the producers’ work and product better and in a more inclusive manner - as the hardest work is done at origin. 


Please let us know the meaning of your name.

The name Swerl derives from Daniel’s earliest dream of running his own custom-motorcycle business that would be named Swerl. However, when we began thinking about names for our coffee-bar, Swerl was too fitting: a modified version of swirl, so Daniel will have to find a new name if he ever takes up his second passion!

How is the coffee community in your area and what part do you like to play?

We are in a small town where the coffee community is a handful of people. 

The past years, we have had the absolute pleasure of being a meeting point for the community. We always tried to create a welcoming and qualitative experience even though many do not have a coffee interest around here.

However, when we closed the two coffee-shops last year and no longer could offer the same kind of experience we took a step back to evaluate how we can best serve the community as a roastery with no public location, which is something we are still navigating. 


How was your World of Coffee experience?

The World of Coffee was an incredibly valuable experience as we had the chance to meet so many of our partners in person, some of whom we’ve had contact with for some years but never met face-to-face. It was also a source of inspiration, as there was so much knowledge, passion and innovation under a single roof. 

Any closing remark you would like to make to our subscribers…

We're thrilled to be sharing these amazing coffees with you, and we hope that you'll enjoy them as much as we do. Thank you for drinking Swerl.


Featured Coffee Selection

Gedeb Lalesa - Ethiopia - Washed

Tasting notes: dried apricot, grilled pineapple and brown sugar.

This washed heirloom variety from Gedeb offers a juicy and round profile complemented by lingering florals. Originating from the premier coffee-producing area of Lalesa, a great example of best practices in coffee growing agro-ecology. The cherries are meticulously hand-sorted and processed at Alemayehu Tilahun's wet mill, ensuring only the highest quality beans. With fermentation under water for up to 72 hours and drying on raised beds for 8- 20 days, this coffee embodies the best of Ethiopian coffee traditions, roasted to perfection for filter brewing.

La Floresta - Colombia- Washed

Tasting notes: peach candy and raspberry icecream.

Grown by Mario Gomez at his 8-hectare farm at 1600 masl.This Striped Pink Bourbon variety has a juicy profile with lingering tropical hints. Meticulously processed with 36 hours of aerobic fermentation and washed, this coffee embodies Mario's dedication to quality and sustainable practices. Experience the exceptional taste and commitment to community and environmental stewardship with every sip of this exquisite filter coffee from Colombia.

La Carmelita - Colombia - Natural

Tasting notes: ripe forest berries, milk chocolate and honey

This natural processed Pink Bourbon poduced by Tarciso Gonzales embodies his lifelong passion for coffee cultivation, a journey he began in his youth. For this specific lot berries are handpicked at peak ripeness, drying them in the sun, allowing the sugars in the fruit to infuse into the beans, imparting its distinct sweetness and complexity.Partnered with Plot Coffee and the Cuatro Vientos exporting company, this coffee represents a collaborative effort to bring exceptional Huila coffees to the world.

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